jay88 - words cannot express how much I HATE that stupid illustration. And do you like how every moron who drags a giant jar up on stage thinks that he's being original, like nobody else ever thought of this illustration? Poor fellow, he seems oblivious to the fact that he is a mindless tool without a single original thought in his head.
Heaven - You're absolutely right. Once a person starts down the path of delusional, self-serving thinking, rarely does he wander back to reality.
mrsjones5 - I've always imagined that church services involved killing and roasting a virgin or goat while chanting to Cthulhu. Surely, they aren't speaking of Christ, right? ... . right?
misery - You must have been channelling my thoughts because I was thinking the same freaking thing. All praising how the Society is on the cutting edge of technology with our DVDs and CD-ROMs. Interestingly, the people who made those comments were people who can barely operate a toaster oven, let alone install a CD-ROM or figure out how to turn on a DVD. I was even thinking of that forum topic you mentioned, about why does the Society not bother to use more technological means that are proven to be more effective than wandering neighborhoods handing out pamphlets. We might as well be handing out Chinese take-out menus. Look, Catholics believe in confession. I don't agree with it, but that's what they do. If they want to have some application on their phones (much like JWs brag about their smartphone version of the CD-ROM library) then good for them. What's next? Jokes about how Muslims kneel and pray on silly doormats? How disrespectful.